02 March 2011

Good News and Bad News.

We'll start with the bad.

I found out this week that Vanderbilt rejected me. On top of that, I had to pull my first all-nighter of the semester. I went to sleep around 8am, and woke up at 11am, so I guess it wasn't a true all-nighter, but it could have totally been prevented. Deadlines just snuck up on me; it seems that on top of midterms, EVERYTHING IS DUE this week. Including submissions to awards that I've been putting off. I have almost everything I need for the award about being an outstanding graduate (just missing a recommendation letter I'm going to pick up tomorrow), and for the creative writing awards, I finally have a piece written, I just need to edit and expand on it. I'm behind on my thesis--I wanted to be pretty much done with drafting all of the pages by now--so if I'm lucky, I'll get all of my midterm and studying stuff done early in the weekend, so that I can spend the rest of next week creating formats. That way, when I meet with my thesis director next Thursday, he can tell me yea or nay before I commit the comic to detail and color over Spring Break. (so much work!! >_< ugh.)

And as for the good? I got accepted into UCF's Creative Writing MFA Program! Yay! I have choices (Now I just need to get an assistantship or something somewhere to help offset the cost...) I'll have to spend my Spring Break getting all of my financial aid work together to start submitting to the schools I got accepted to, so that they can start processing the fact that I absolutely need their aid or I won't be able to attend. :/ (So somehow, I turned the good news into bad news again.)

Next week I get to order my cap, gown, & tassel, along with my honors medallion (for attaining a 3.5+ GPA) and hopefully my honors society sash (for my participation in Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honors Society). I've registered for Commencement through the University and the Honors College, and I'm planning on signing up for membership at the Alumni Society soon, too. I wanted a class ring, but they're just too expensive, and since my Bachelor's degree isn't going to be my last degree, I figure I'll just wait until I finish my MFA (or even my PhD). Graduation is so close, I can almost taste it! I just need to survive the rest of this semester first!


  1. I should've joined Sigma Tau Delta. But I didn't. Partly because I didn't have money, partly because I wasn't planning to walk at commencement. Then I changed my mind. Hahaha. Now I will walk at graduation cordless. Pooh. It's a relief knowing my best buddies didn't join either. ;)

    Congratulations on getting accepted into UCF! I hope everything works out exactly the way you want it!

  2. Are you on semesters? I feel like everything just goes to hell at mid-semester. I'm the same way right now.

    Congrats on UCF!!

  3. Thanks Chessie and Roxie!

    Chess, you can still join STD (ha); they are for undergrads and grad students... But no one is judging you if you didn't join. :)

    And yes, Rox, I am on semesters, and yes, mid-semester everything does go to hell. :/ I have survived this week, though, so hooray. Good luck <3

  4. Congratulations! =D I hope they give you fi-aid to go!!

  5. I can't! I'm not a student anymore. I graduated in December, but we don't have commencement for fall graduation, so I'm just walking in May. STD... HAHAHAHA, how did I never notice that before? :)
