27 February 2011

Submit! Submit! Submit!

That exactly what I haven't been doing lately. I've been so caught up in working on graduate school applications and my thesis and schoolwork for my last semester of college, that I haven't been working on any other creative writing, and therefore haven't been submitting any new work! I need to submiiiiiit. (And so do you!)

I just submitted an old piece of flash fiction to the annual Kenyon Review Short Fiction Contest (due tomorrow), and I am totally planning on submitting to the New York Times Modern Love Essay Contest (due at the end of next month). There are also two (three?) awards from the university I want to submit to due this Friday... so that's an extra essay, and a story or two... and then I have a project due this week, and I have to finish three novels (that I am waaaay behind on) and drawing my thesis takes like a million years for just a few frames and asdkfjsldkfskjflsd. Have I mentioned that I am also suffering from senioritus? :( I can't lose steam now! Almost done, almost done...

[sorry about the rambling. speaking of rambling, apparently that's a valid modern/contemporary technique... which embitters me because I would have loved to read my stream-of-consciousness journal posts from middle school (back when i was an original angsty emo/goth kid... ha) but I had to delete them so they're all gone... :( owell.]

I still haven't heard from any more graduate schools or submissions, but I did get a phone call on Friday from someone who found my resume on the university's Career Connections website (I totally forgot I uploaded my resume there) and wanted to interview me for a position as an intern editing and publishing biweekly & monthly newsletters. Pretty awesome, right? Except I looked up the company, and it appears to be a totally sketch pyramid scheme. :/ Even if it was a paid internship... I don't think I'm interested. (Not that I have time, anyways.)

But, back to work. (Oh, and I'm absolutely loving the weather in Florida. I did my homework on the beach today. In a bikini. With SPF 15. And didn't get burnt. Yay!)

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