17 February 2011

First Responses

So, I've heard back from two schools.

USF rejected me, based on getting a lot of strong applications and I just didn't make the cut. (I honestly didn't think I would get in, but hey, I tried.)

University of Denver Publishing Institute sent me this letter:

"Dear Leslie,

Congratulations! We are pleased to tell you that the Admission Committee has granted you early acceptance based on your strong credentials..."

YAY!! I got in somewhere!

Now I need to come up with the money to pay for it. :/


  1. Congrats! Butbutbut... Denver is far away! You'll have to come visit!

  2. Toivo, it's only a 4-week program, so no worries! :) It's the job that may (hopefully) come as a result of the program that might displace me more permanently...
