20 February 2011


The last graduate school application that I sent out was for the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). It was kind of a last-minute decision to apply there, as it wasn't on my original list of schools, and also because the application writing sample was daunting.

That's about a solid inch of paper.

The portfolio included up to two examples of several different styles of writing, including:

  • Personal Essay (1, my first thesis)
  • Memoir (1)
  • Promotional Writing (2: promotional email, reference letter)
  • Writing for the Web (1, blog post)
  • Book Review (1)
  • Literary Criticism (2: Shakespeare, adaptations)
  • Scholarly Essay (2: Physics term papers: Metamaterials, Computational Sympletic Integration)
  • Business Document (1, Engineering paper on Bridges)
  • Laboratory Report (2: chemistry 1, intermediate physics)
  • Graphic Fiction (1, the graphic novel I spoke about before. (not my second thesis, as it still isn't complete))
  • Speech (1, monologue about healthcare systems engineering)
  • Flash Fiction (1, not the one that was published in Sphere)
  • Novel Chapter (1)
I think the total number of pages was 174, or something to that extent. The only guidelines given for the portfolio was to submit no more than 2 works in each genre, and that at least six types of nonfiction writing needed to be represented. I figured I'd go for more than less (since there was no limit for length). I basically combed through everything I wrote in the last four years and picked out what I considered was an exemplary example of the work I am capable of. I think I made up genres in the process, just so that I could include more pieces of work.

Anyways, the work definitely paid off. Friday afternoon I got an email from SCAD congratulating me on my admission, as well as the 5-digit scholarship I was awarded. :) My mom called me yesterday to tell me I had received a package from the school, which is (what I'm assuming to be) all of the admission materials I'll need. I'll have to wait until spring break to pick it up from home, which is fine, considering that I still want to wait and hear back from the rest of the schools before I make my final decision. But I might see if I can get it sooner, because I'm curious to find out what's in it.

I am incredibly relieved that I now have a place that can potentially be my home for the next 3 years, and that can lead to an impressive industry job. One of my former professors (that wrote letters of recommendation for me) told me it should probably be my top choice, since it's an excellent school. I'm very excited, and I'll probably see if I can drive up to visit sometime during spring break. :]

I'll be sure to keep you all updated... I hope you are having a good February!