20 January 2011

The Best News Ever!

No, I haven't heard back from a university about being admitted to their MFA program.

No, I haven't miraculously come into an exceedingly large sum of money.

No, I'm not engaged, nor am I expecting.

Two days ago,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011,

at 3:20pm,

I received the best news ever.

I'm going to be published.

(More details to come!)


  1. Oh WOW. Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear more about it!!

  2. WOW!!!!! I cant wait for those details! :D

  3. Thanks! :) I had to send in a short bio and a picture of myself, and I still haven't heard back from them, but when I do or when it gets published, I'll be sure to let you all know.
