12 December 2010

Grad School Apps, Part 1

So I finished 6/7 graduate school applications this weekend, and the reason I didn't get to the full 7 is because the online submission site is giving me trouble and won't let me finish my application. :( I tried to get them all done before final grades for this semester went out because (1) I'm not sure how my GPA will fare this semester from hell, and (2) I already entered in all the information as if this semester was incomplete, and I didn't want to have to go back and change everything.

Two of the applications were entirely online-only, which is pretty sweet, and five actually need to be sent out into the world. I have those prepped and ready, but the post office is closed today, so I'll have to trust my mom to send them out tomorrow (since I'll be in Virginia!). I didn't staple or paperclip anything (I'm aware of the war on them), so trying to figure out what order to put things in is rather complicated. I just don't want anything lost. So I'm thinking small stuff first, and then larger works later. We'll see how that works.

Once I get back from my trip, I'll work on knocking out the summer institutes and any out-of-state schools. I barely had enough money to cover the admission costs and transcript costs for the schools this time around, so I'll need to wait on some Christmas money to help with the Get-Elle-Into-Grad-School fund. :]


  1. your determination has always inspired me; i want you to know that you are one of my heroes.

  2. Hopefully we'll get positions as research assistants or TA's that'll waive tuition. There's always writing for scholarships and such. There will be a way =)

    Indeed, your determination and process is spurring me on my applications =)

  3. Awwww, thank you helgaschmidt. <3 <3 You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. ^.^

    And thanks, Amara. :]

    I'm glad I'm being helpful.
