19 November 2010


I've come to the alarming realization that while I have a strong writing voice, I have no real identity of myself as a writer. This is mildly embarrassing, especially considering my self-proclamation of being just that.

Being a writer means actually writing--on a regular basis--and submitting work for publication. While I have been doing both of these things, I wouldn't say that I am doing them well. I write sporadically, and lately have had a tendency to revive and refinish old works, rather than producing brand new content. I'm holding myself back. Perhaps inadvertently, but it is still happening.

I need to change this.

I need to write something brand new every day. It can be a snippet of a thought, a paragraph, a page, a chapter. Whatever time permits, whatever works. I need to take risks, experiment. Really try to find myself.

Because without direction and purpose, what good is a voice?

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