01 April 2011

Interesting Predicament

This week has been ridiculous. I had an interview for a prestigious award (which I didn't win), won a science fiction writing contest, sent out four new submissions, and got accepted into another grad school. Oh, and I've made some decent headway on my thesis.

Basically, everything in my life is going to converge on April 15th. That is THE day. And it is two weeks from now.

I have two awards ceremonies to attend that day, my thesis is due that day, and that is the day I have to accept or decline my invitation to UCF. I wanted to make my final decision by next week, but I got an email from SCAD stating that I am in the running for a full-tuition fellowship; my phone interview is on the 14th. So I'll have to wait. And today I got a call directly from the Graduate Director of FIU, stating I was unanimously accepted, and I was highly recommended for a teaching assistantship. I should know by the end of the day if I got it or not. All of the sudden, I have incredible opportunities. UCF is still the only one set in stone, but if FIU and SCAD go through, there's going to be some heavy competition. This is a good problem to have, but still, it is nerve-wracking.

I need to fill our all of the financial aid stuff for all three schools now. Soon. On top of all of the rest of the things I need to do... Homework, projects, extracurriculars... It just never ends. I am excited, but also mildly terrified. We'll have to wait and see how things go.


  1. AHHHH. Get help! You need a committee of friends with their laptops to help you fill out all the financial aid stuff. Hahahaha! Seriously, assembly line or something.

  2. Hahaha, thanks Chess. I actually pretty much just did it all within an hour. It was fairly easy because I don't have a job. :/ Everything was a zero, or n/a.

  3. Congrats! Good luck?

    Pssst, I'll totally take one of those acceptances off your hands ;)
