20 May 2011

What I haven't been doing.

Apparently, the only discernible skill my new Bachelor's Degree has given me is the ability to wake up early. Every day. Without an alarm. Without fail.

This is useful for work. Normally I have to be in around 9am. I set my alarm for 7:45. But right at 7am, BING! I'm awake. And for half a minute I think about how I should roll out of bed and walk to the little gym in the clubhouse and do something productive for half an hour before work. So I can be energized and maybe work off the extra fluff I've accumulated over the past few weeks. But I never seem to get past the thinking part; I just fall back asleep, and then get ready for work.

Work happens to be a four minute drive away. Less if I don't hit the single stoplight between my apartment and the staff parking lot. I'd rollerblade to work, but there's no where to put my blades while I'm working. The lockers are too small. :( So I'm back home for the weekend, and I'm going to try to steal my bike back. That way I can save on gas money, too. :)

As for why I'm not working this weekend? I asked for it off to go to an Aikido Seminar that my sensei is teaching. But I haven't been to an aikido class in... months? Months. That's just embarrassing. I want to go, but at the same time, I'm slightly apprehensive. It's not just this pathetic laziness that's taking over my life, it's just that it's an ukemi seminar. And my ukemi sucks. That's probably enough reason for me to go, but I'm also absolutely broke. Dead broke. Yes I have a job, but I haven't even gotten my first paycheck yet, and I still have to pay for rent and groceries. :/ So it looks like my choices are: food? or seminar? -sigh-

I need to start going back to aikido. I deliberately made my work schedule so that I could still make it to class Monday and Wednesday nights. I intended on going to class this past week. But after work I just crashed. Took a great big nap, had dinner, and went to sleep for the night. Wake up in the morning, go to work. Lather, rinse, repeat.

I need to stop making excuses. Aikido and working out aren't the only things I haven't been doing. I need to be WRITING.

Now, a big part of writing, is reading. And gold star for me, I've actually been doing that. I recently finished Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters, and I'm currently working on Ed Regis' Nano. Once I finish catching up on books in my personal library, I'm going to start working on the recommended background reading for one of my grad school classes. My conservative goal is two books a week, so I need to step up my game a little. I'm going to make a rule for myself, that if I want to read, I need to be doing something else at the same time. Like spending some time on an elliptical trainer. Multitasking.

But reading isn't everything. I'm going to start working on an MFA in Creative Writing, for heaven's sake, and I need to actually WRITE in order to get my degree!

I have a lot of half-started projects, ideas in their infancy, and almost-done essays that just need a bit of tweaking. But I need to be writing. All the time. Working on something. I need something to show for this summer. So I need to find time to write. Every day, at the same time. I'm not quite sure how this is going to work yet, but maybe I'll link it to starting a Dream Journal again. After all, all my best ideas come from my dreams.

So now I need to go out and DO something! And I hope you all DO something, too! And enjoy your weekend. :)


OH OH OH. Before I forget!! I got my grades for my final semester: STRAIGHT A's. (YAY!)

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